
Karaoke for Sentenced - Cross My Heart and Hope to Die

Sentenced - Cross My Heart and Hope to Die (04:06)
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other by the same artist (click icon to import directly)
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Sentenced - Cross My Heart and Hope to Die (04:06)
Sentenced - Dead Moon Rising (04:56)
Sentenced - Despair Ridden Hearts (03:40)
Sentenced - End Of The Road (05:01)
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Sentenced - Killing Me Killing You (05:26)
Sentenced - Killing me killing you (05:26)
Sentenced - Lower The Flags (03:34)
Sentenced - May Today Become the Day (03:59)
Sentenced - May Today Become The Day (04:00)
Sentenced - My slowing Heart (11:07)
Sentenced - Nepenthe (03:53)
Sentenced - New Age Messiah (04:28)
Sentenced - No More Beating as One (04:16)
Sentenced - No more beating as one (04:15)
Sentenced - No Tomorrow (04:34)
Sentenced - One More Day (05:13)
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Sentenced - sentenced Cross My Heart And Hope To Die (04:05)
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Sentenced - We Are But Falling Leaves (04:27)
Sentenced - With Bitterness and Joy (04:44)
Sentenced - You Are The One (04:30)

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